Books and Selected
Published Articles

Friedman, P. (1980) Integrative psychotherapy. In R. Herink
(Eds) Psychotherapy Handbook, (pp. 308-313). New American
Library. New York

Friedman, P. (1989) Creating well- being: The healing path
to love, peace, self-esteem and happiness R and E, Saratoga, CA

Friedman, P. (1992). Friedman well-being scale and
professional manual. Foundation for Well-Being. Plymouth
Meeting , Pa. and Mind Garden. Menlo Park, CA

Friedman, P. (1993). Friedman belief scale and research
manual. Foundation for Well-Being. Plymouth Meeting, PA

Friedman, P. (1998). Friedman affect scale. Foundation for
Well-Being. Plymouth Meeting PA

Friedman, P. (2001). Integrative healing manual. Foundation
for Well-Being. Plymouth Meeting, PA.

Friedman, P. (2002). Integrative energy and spiritual
therapy. In F. Gallo (ed.) Energy psychology in psychotherapy.
198-215. W.W. Norton & Co., New York

Friedman, P. (2009) The Forgiveness Solution: The Whole
Body Rx for Finding True Happiness, Abundant Love and Inner Peace.
Conari Press, San Francisco, CA.

Friedman, P. , & Toussaint, L. (2006a). The relationship
between forgiveness, gratitude, distress, and well-being: An
integrative review of the literature. The International Journal of
Healing and Caring, 6, 2, 1-10.

Friedman, P. & Toussaint, L. (2006b). Changes in
forgiveness, gratitude, stress, and well-being during
psychotherapy: An integrative, evidence-based approach. The
International Journal of Healing and Caring, 6, 2, 11-28.

Friedman, P. (2006c) Pressure point therapy. In Mountrose,
P. and Mountrose. J. (2006) The Heart & soul of EFT and beyond.
Holistic Communications. Arroyo Grande, Ca.

Piedmont, R. and Friedman, P. (2009) Spirituality, religiosity
and quality of life. In the Encyclopedia of Quality of Life.
Springer, in press

Toussaint, L..& Friedman, P.(2008) Forgiveness, gratitude,
and well-being: the mediating role of affect and beliefs. Journal
of Happiness Studies, 10, 635-654, Springer-Science.
DOI 10.1007/s10902-008-9111-8.